
  • Light plunge the ball to hit the secret skill shot (basically above the lock shot)
  • Anytime you need to plunge and the lock is lit, always shot plunge it
  • Light Elevator multiball locks by shooting both orbits, lights elevator, lock balls in the elevator
  • EBs are worth 15 million
  • Smart Missiles will award a "Best Shot" when used, as if the shot was made on the playfield. Smart Missiles are earned via Skill Shots, and as a Mystery Award
  • Each song is a different mode, hit light shots
    Each Song Mode can enable a Super Feature which will start AFTER the mode.
    - Start by Completing the Song Mode
    - 3 Song Modes only require a "Final Shot" to start: Rats, Walk This Way, Back in the Saddle

    The Super Features are...
    1) Super Spinner - Rats in the Cellar
    2) Super Orbits - Last Child
    3) Super Ramps - Walk This Way
    4) Super Lanes - Dude Look Like a Lady
    5) Super Targets - Same Old Song and Dance
    6) Super Pops - Back in the Saddle
    7) Super Scoring - Sweet Emotion
  • Shoot Toy Box to light Locks - flashing light is Qualified, solid is Locked. Lock balls in the Toy Box - Lock 3-6 to start Multiball, use Action Button to "pass" starting multiball to get to higher ball counts, up to 6 balls