Fish Tales

  • Multiball - lock balls in the casters cove on the right, during multiball hit cove to get jackpot and to lite super jackpot (left orbit in 15 sec)
  • Pro Tip: Work on getting multiballs, then hit your jackpots (Cove, left orb scoop top, then try capture ball)
  • In higher modes in multiball, after you get Cove, then upper scoop (left orb), then hammer the captured ball for 100k in advanced modes
  • In video mode, only shoot water skiier boats, not jetskis (I could be wrong) (Bret Secret Tip)
  • In video mode, rumor has it to shoot them in order twice to have EB come thru, hit that for 15m (or so)
  • Be conservative with your torpedos on the video mode, accuracy counts!!!
  • Hit the right orbit (red lure) to promote capture ball value, hit capture ball, then hit left orbit to get capture value (hold bonus, video mode, rock boat, etc)
  • If the Red Lure is dark, you can light it again by going up the right orbit, the red lure is important for capture ball value promotions
  • Hit port and starboard ramps for great points every other one, then hit the monster fish left orbit when it appears, always get the monster fish so it progresses to next. 10m, 20m, 30m, 40m, 50m
  • Hit the capture ball and the red right orbit lure in unison, doing so will promote and take the capture ball value (video mode, rock the boat, etc)
  • Modes pay out: Video mode is an easy 8-12 million with no risk. Rock the boat is 10 million per starboard/port ramp