Mousin' Around

  • Practice your measure of the plunge shot, for accurate skill shots, no lane switching, you need to hit the lit blue star lane
  • When shooting the 1,2,3, on the ramp door, try to hit the side edges of 1 or 3, to avoid drain
  • When shooting the ramp, right after your shot, always hold your right flipper up, every other right side inlane comes thru FAST and will drain
  • When shooting the other ramp, hold your left flipper up, as it comes down VERY FAST!!!
  • The ramp shot is no longer AS valuable and harder to hit, Erik put spacers, but still you can rack up points if you're an accurate shot
  • When it's time for "Go For The Hole", shoot the right side hard enough to make it all the way up to the hole, not doing so will bring it right into the center drain