Robo War

  • Hitting the Adv X advances X, there are 3 places to hit it, hit it often
  • Right side Reversed Outlane - Adv X lights spinner for 10,000 a spin for a timed period, when the big gold is blinking, HAMMER THAT SPINNER
  • SPINNER 10k - When the yellow circle is blinking by spinner, hammer the hell out of it.
  • Lock ball by going up ramp, start 2 ball multi by hitting under ramp, no ball saves
  • Drop targets must be made in sequence. Three, then two, then one. When sequence complete it lights letter in ROBOWAR for 20k bonus
  • Watch for drain bounce backs
  • TILT WARNING - Never Tilt after multiball - Points earned in multiball are only added to the score at the end of the players game